sorry i haffent poosted in a while but iz just gotz out of county jail i never thaught dat id be gettin nailed fo' suckin dick i wuz sure dat i wuz wun step ahead o duh man. boyee wuz i rong? dam mah azz shure duz hert but iz now wun thing fo sho iz is gettin hitz lef and rite and dat neocon cripple wishez he had duh hitz im gettin an dat drunk asshole too be wishin sum wishes caze i be rule duh intranizzle fo shizzle. fucke u neocuns
and his name is duly noted. he luvz to bend mah spokz and steele my rims and he kisses mah chocolate starfish so pashionitely he luvz me and i luv him yure dun jane u trader i iz luvin duly noted specially caze he hadent bin laden at the goc seense oh for and naw hiz cummin bak and shuttin diz neocons down
i luv you janey but yur cock isnt big enuf fo my gaping bunghole so i gotz to giv duly noted the go ahead so whie dunt u chek him out fo me an pleez give him your blezzing bekase i dun luvs him an hiz on duh covuh uv times magazeen and i luvs heem
i just herd the newz that my bestest most big idol uv all timez has gune to be with the big 20-sided dice in the skie whut am i gooing to doo now
bifore mah unkle started molesting me and makeing me suk his dick in mah mommies basemunt i used to play d&d by meself becaze i didnt hav any frends and i still play with myself todays
i iz reely gunna mice you dave arneson when i play with myself toonite i am gooing to be theenking of you
this one has me bouncing off the walls tonite because im so excited about this dedication to me. i luv u george michael i luv u wham
i love the five oh clock shadow tickling me in mah funny parts i love u gorge you give me a reshon to spank it if it wasnt fo u i dunt know what i wood do wif my wood i luv u gorge at leest i now ur are not a neocon
I really got tired of that drunk redneck Denny over at Grouchy Old Cripple editing my brilliant comments because he knew I was right and couldn't handle the truth, so I decided that I would start my own blog. I can't wait to blow him away with all the hits I get. Oh yeah, and that pussy CharlieDelta is going to wish he never crossed me, because I'm just going to delete his comments entirely. See rule #1! Oh wait, I don't have rules yet. When I come up with some rules, I'm gonna show him!