Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Hungin Tuff

this be my possy and dunt you fukin neocons blame this on jon karry he is the reel war hero. i uzed tah hav duh biggist cruch on him unteel i fond out dat he was penetratin my mommies bung hole moor then mine i iz steal in luv wid him

new kidz on duh block r so much bettah dan white peepl muzic

i cunt wait unteel i cuz be votin foh algooor ''07 u wheel see u stuupide neocon nazi. amerekan peeple is smarter dan dat an iz a pruves it


  1. Post something besides videos. You're getting rather boring.

  2. hay ananymous you can hit the back butten anyie time yu neocon asshole nobodie maid yuu cum here

  3. One day I'm jane, the next day I'm a neocon asshole. Make up your mind.

  4. analmouse, wun day yur jane another day yur a neaocon asshole and the nex yur a fukin eediot

    i luv you jane

  5. Go watch some basketball and STFU.

  6. jane -u luv me. u really luv me!
