Sunday, March 1, 2009

sunday metal

ill show you denny. know one nows metal like i do. this iz the best metal in the universh. i is sik and tired of you hogging xcyberspace wif your lame 'sunday metal'. its time fur me to run duh show with true medal like dis

eat yur harts out you fucking neocons


  1. Denny must be so envious he can't dance like that.

  2. hey dere ananymouse. dat wus a cheep shot at denny. when you cum bak over to mah house woood you please clean up your snail trails? mah house smellz like rank fish.

  3. mama pleeze dont be stickin up fo me no mo. im tring to be a big boy these dayz and yur embarrasing me mama. i will give you the money tonite after my ass heals. k?

  4. i iz sorry son. i just wunt the best fo you and since you sent me duh invitation tu you and jane's wedding i thaught i could skore a few cheep shots in yur difense. i jus love you boy and i wunt you an jane to be happy. dunt worry when she laughs at yur pee pee. hers is just as small.
