Saturday, February 21, 2009

my second favorite song

dont you mind those assholes over at grouchy old cripple. their a bunch of rightwingnuts. if your going to listen to them than your stupid. I am the smartest pirson in the werld wither you like it or not. your a dumbass and im smart.

i am smart and your stupid.

i am smart and your stupid.


  1. Really???? You sound more like a fag hag to me.

  2. h2o, i am the smartest troll to ever turd in cyberspace. i am a tough guy. i am the ruler of the liberal farts in the wind. if you dont like it hit your back button because i make the rules here in my world of smaartnessibility. yeah thats a real wurd so dont bother luuking it up. i say its so and its so. go back to your conservtive buddies and dont bother me anymore. i dont want to hear the truth. it keeps me up at night. im whacking off to pictures of teresa heinz-kerry and dont have time for useless rightwingnut bullshit. i have sally texting me right now so i have to go. good luck with that patriotism thingy.
